Zikrul Maut , Death

Mati .
Been overwhelmed by miseries , thus I forgot that death is enclosed with me .
Every single step that we take brings us closer to death .
When people said ,

"Pergi mati lah kau"
 Sometimes we hurt a lot . But actually , we have to thank them for the reminder .

Kalau tak , kita takkan ingat mati 

the meaning : 'Every person shall taste death' (Ali-Imran , 185)

'Kalau kau ingat mati kau takkan buat benda jahat'
'Kalau kau ingat mati kau akan tawadhuk'
'Kalau kau ingat mati kau akan solat awal waktu'
'Kalau kau ingat mati kau takkan cakap benda tak berfaedah'

Tapi sebenarnya dengan ingat mati kau akan jadi lebih dekat dengan Allah , dengan Rasulullah S.A.W .

Istiqamah .
Jangan jadi macam lalang .

Sujud dan menangis lah . Indeed , calamity will fade away and calm with envelope you . Insya Allah .

"And only on the Day of Resurrection shall you be paid your wages in full. And whoever is removed away from the Fire and admitted to Paradise, he indeed is successful. The life of this world is only the enjoyment of deception (a deceiving thing)"

Berkata-kata biarlah ada rujukan . Jangan main redah , buat hukum sendiri . 
Menyimpang , padah jadi jadinya.

'Jangan menghukum seseorang berdasarkan penilaian . Tapi berpesanlah dengan penuh ketertiban'

Drop here , Wassalam 

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